CATCHER: Fairings / Boosters / Capsules

Catch Fairings and Capsules

Our patented catching vessel is a highly maneuverable quadmaran with four independently rotating hulls that allow it to move in any direction. It is capable of sway accelerations as great as 8.9m/s² and has a top speed of over 30 knots.

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Catch SRB’s and First Stages

The net configuration for catching boosters is elevated in the back. As the booster touches down into the net, the vessel accelerates and the booster lays down gently. The elevated net portion ensures the booster stays secure.

Safe Transport

We ensure the safe transport of your rocket all the way back to port. A light and durable tent provides an enclosure that is completely sealed from spray, rain or other potential contaminants.

RETRIEVER: Water and Helicopter Recovery


Retriever Vessel

Our recovery vessel possesses a usable deck that is 95’ x 65’ while only consuming a fraction of the fuel used by comparable vessels from the oil and gas industry. A telescoping travel crane simplifies recovering large parts, even in difficult conditions.

Telescoping Travel Crane

Our telescoping travel crane design offers the greatest level of flexibility when lifting payloads from the ocean. Nets or a variety of other attachment systems may be used to pick up fairings, capsules and boosters.

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Mid-Air Helicopter Recovery

The Retriever vessel offers an ideal platform for conducting mid air helicopter recoveries due to its highly stable design. This makes setting payloads down on the deck easier, as well as landing. The crane also makes a water recovery possible in case of a failed attempt.

LANDER: Offshore Landing Pad

Stable in Large Seas / Fast Transport Back to Port
We’ll be there when you come down

*Design under development